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Women's Rights Network have been asked to help organise Global Women's Day. Because every other day that should be about women - Mothers' Day, International Women's Day - includes men.

Listen to Heather explain how it came about

Heather talks to WDI about GLOBAL WOMEN'S DAY

Together we will demonstrate that women are holding hands around the globe in defence of women's sex-based rights.

Global Women's Day is Sunday 9th July but we'll be celebrating on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th with events both in the UK and world wide. Our information pack has all the details.

Women will meet each other and share pictures of iconic locations near them. And on 8th July we'll celebrate the 2nd Anniversary of Women's Rights Network together in Central London.

WRN members, please access this link in the members area to sign up on Eventbrite so we know how many will join us.

Tweet your pictures with



#[optional - country specific issue eg #NoToSelfID]

If you want to be involved in organising an event near you, email us at for more information.


Logo Images (right click to save image or download PDF version):


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